Meeting of the St Hilary NDP Steering Group Wednesday 1st May at 14:00 in the Old School Room
- 1. Apologies
- 2. Minutes of the Meeting of 10th April 2024 (previously circulated
- 3. Matters Arising
- 4. To Receive and Comment on the External Examiner’s Final Report (previously circulated)
- 5. To Approve the Amended NDP to be Submitted to Cornwall Council
- 6. JH to Present a Draft Communications Strategy for the Pre-Referendum Period
- 7. Any Other Business
- 8. Date and Time of the Next Meeting
Agenda for the Meeting of the St Hilary NDP on Wednesday 10th April 2024 in the OSR at 14:00
- Apologies
- Minutes of the Meeting of 21st February 2024
- Matters Arising
- Examiner’s draft report
- Any Other Business
- Date and Time of the Next Meeting
Agenda for the Meeting of the St Hilary NDP on Wednesday 21st February 2024 in the OSR at 14:00
- Apologies
- Minutes of the Meeting of 19th January 2024
- Matters Arising
- Views on the continuing Regulation 16 Public Consultation
- To decide between Liz Beth and Deborah McCann for the post of external examiner (please refer to previously circulated emails, CVs and my spreadsheet summary of relevant factors)
- Any Other Business
- Date and Time of the Next Meeting
- Agenda for the St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting on
- Friday 19 January 2024 at 14:00 in the Old Schoolroom, St Hilary
- Apologies
- Minutes of the Meeting of 20 September 2023 (attached)
- Matters Arising
- Progress of the NDP Submission
- The Regulation 16 Public Consultation – how to maximise responses and increase awareness of the NDP and its role
- External Examination – possible required amendments
- Possible Referendum Risks – how to manage
- Steering Group Membership
- Date and time of the next meeting
- ====================================================
- Draft agenda for St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday 20th September 2023, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1400
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
- 2. Minutes of the meeting of 30th August 2023
- 3. Matters Arising from the minutes
- 4. NDP – Submission version
- 5. Consultation Statement
- 6. Basic Conditions Statement
- 7. Any of other business
- 8. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- Draft agenda for St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday 30th August 2023, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1400
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
- 2. Minutes of the meeting of 16th August 2023
- 3. Matters Arising from the minutes
- 4. Basic Conditions Statement – draft circulated 24 Aug 2023
- 5. Equality Statement – draft circulated 12 Mar 2023
- 6. Response to comments received from Residents
- 7. Amendments required to the Plan
- 8. Consultation Statement
- 9. Any of other business
- 10. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- Draft agenda for St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday 16th August 2023, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1430
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
- 2. Minutes of the meeting of 19th July 2023 (copy attached)
- 3. Matters Arising from the minutes
- 4. Response to comments received from Residents (draftActionTakenForm attached)
- 5. Response to further feedback from Cornwall Council – July 25 email; accessibility issue
- 6. Amendments required to the Plan
- 7. Consultation Statement
- 8. Basic Conditions Statement – Sustainability Check
- 9. Any of other business
- 10. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- Draft agenda for St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday 19th July 2023, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1400
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
- 2. Minutes of the meeting of 06 June 2023
- 3. Matters Arising from the minutes
- 4. Review of feedback from the Pre-Submission Consultation
- 5. Response to feedback received
- 6. Amendments required to the Plan
- 7. Consultation Statement
- 8. Basic Conditions Statement
- 6. Any of other business
- 7. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- Draft agenda for St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday 28th June 2023, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1400
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
- 2. Minutes of the meeting of 23 May 2023
- 3. Matters Arising from the minutes
- 4. Ownership of Badcock Green
- 4. Pre-Submission Consultation
- 4.1 Feedback from Drop-In sessions
- 4.2 Response to Informal Feedback
- 4.3 Responses so far on Feedback Forms – online and paper
- 5. Preparation of documentation required (Regulation 15) for Plan Submission
- 5.1 NDP – Map and Designation
- 5.2 Proposed NDP
- 5.3 Consultation Statement (guidance note attached)
- 5.4 Basic Conditions Statement (guidance note attached)
- 5.4.1 Equality Statement
- 5.4.2 Conformity with CLP and NPPF
- 5.5 Environmental Report(s) – SEA and HRA assessments
- 6. Any of other business
- 7. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- Draft agenda for St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- TUESDAY 23rd May 2023, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1400
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
- 2. Minutes of the meeting of 10 May 2023
- 3. Matters Arising from the minutes
- 4. Finalising the preparations, making sure everything is ready for the Consultation
- 4.1 Letter, leaflet and feedback forms (paper and online) to households
- 4.2 Notification letters to statutory consultee, other interested parties/stakeholders
- 4.3 Publicity – local publications, noticeboards, website, social media, email list
- 4.4 Printing – Pre-Submission draft plan document
- 4.5 Parish Council Website – NDP and Pre-Submission Consultation page
- 5. Any of other business
- 6. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- Draft agenda for St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday 10th May 2023, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1430
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
- 2. Minutes of the meeting of 26 Apr 2023
- 3. Matters Arising from the minutes
- 4. Updates on preparations for the Public Consultation on the Pre-Submission draft plan
- 4.1 Letter, leaflet and response forms (paper and online) to households
- 4.2 Notification letters to statutory consultee
- 4.3 Notification letters to other interested parties/stakeholders
- 4.4 Publicity – local publications, noticeboards, website, social media, email list
- 4.5 Printing – Pre-Submission draft plan document
- 4.6 Parish Council Website – NDP and Pre-Submission Consultation page
- 5. Any of other business
- 6. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- Draft agenda for St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday 26th April 2023, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1430
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
- 2. Minutes of the meeting of 12 Apr 2023
- 3. Matters Arising from the minutes
- 4. Progress on preparations for the Public Consultation on the Pre-submission draft plan
- 4.1 Letter, leaflet and response forms to households and address list
- 4.2 Notification letters to statutory consultee content and list
- 4.3 Notification letters to other interested parties/stakeholders – businesses, local organisations, etc. content and list
- 4.4 Publicity – local publications, noticeboards, website, social media, email list
- 4.5 Finalisation of the Pre-submission draft plan document
- 5. Any of other business
- 6. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- Draft agenda for St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday 12th April 2023, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1430
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
- 2. Minutes of the meeting of 05 Apr 2023
- 3. Matters Arising from the minutes
- 4. Organisation of the Regulation 14 Public Consultation on the Pre-submission draft NDP
- 4.1 Letter, leaflet and response form to households
- 4.2 Notification letters to statutory consultee list and content
- 4.3 Notification letters to other interested parties/stakeholders – businesses, local organisations, etc list and content
- 4.4 Publicity – in local press or other publications, noticeboards, posters, website, social media, email contact list
- 4.5 Contact details for printed copies (Parish Clerk) ; for questions or requests for more information
- 4.6 Arrangements for any consultation meeting(s) or drop in sessions
- 5. Any of other business
- 6. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- Draft agenda for St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday 5th April 2023, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1430
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the meetings of 29 Mar 2023 - 3. Matters Arising from the minutes
- 4. Organisation of the Regulation 14 Public Consultation
- on the Pre-submission of the NDP
- 5. Any of other business
- 6. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday 29 March 2023, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1430
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the meetings of 10 Feb-22 Mar 2023 - 3. Matters Arising from the minutes
- 4. Review and ratify the pre-submission NDP version sent to Parish Council for their meeting on 31st March 2023
- 5. Review and approve draft Equality and Diversity statement
- 6. Responses to consultations with the owners of the proposed Local Green Spaces
- 7. Organisation of the Regulation 14 Public Consultation on the Pre-submission of the NDP
- 8. Any of other business
- 9. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday, 22 March 2023, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1430
- Continuation of the previous meeting Agenda Items 7-10
- St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Friday, 10 February 2023, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1430
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the meeting of 20th July 2022 (attached) - 3. Matters Arising from minutes
- 4. SEA/HRA Screening Report
- 5. Feedback on draft plan from the informal review
- 6. Funding
- 7. Prepare the draft plan for Article 14 (pre-submission) consultation:
- check conformity with Local Plan; consider in terms of equality and
- diversity; proof read and make any amendments; finalise draft NDP
- and get formal Parish Council approval
- 8. Pre-submission (Article 14) Consultation
- 9. Any of other business
- 10. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday, 20 July 2022, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1500
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the meeting of 6th July 2022 (attached) - 3. Matters Arising from minutes
- 4. Draft Plan – updates (see attachment) made and any outstanding issues
- 5. Evidence Base – updates made and any outstanding issues
- 6. Funding
- 7. SEA/HRA Screening submission
- 8. Any other business
- 9. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday, 06 July 2022, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1500
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the meeting of 8th June 2022 - 3. Matters Arising from minutes
- 4. Updates on Draft Plan and Evidence Base documents for SEA screening
- 5. Miners’ smallholdings assessment
- 6. Funding
- 7. SEA/HRA Screening submission
- 8. Any other business
- 9. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday, 08 June 2022, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1500
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the meeting of 18 May 2022 - 3. Matters Arising from minutes
- 4. Updates on Draft Plan and Evidence Base documents for SEA screening
- 5. Local Green Spaces
- 6. Funding
- 7 SEA/HRA Screening submission
- 8. Any other business
- 9. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Wednesday, 18 May 2022, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1500
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the meeting of 12 April 2022 - 3. Matters Arising from minutes
- 4. Funding
- 5. Local Green Spaces
- 6. Update on Evidence Base documents
- 7. Update on Draft Plan document(s)
- 8. SEA/HRA Screening submission
- 9. Any other business
- 10. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- Tuesday, 12 April 2022, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1400
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the meeting of 23 March 2022 - 3. Matters Arising from minutes (draft minutes already distributed)
- 4. Update on Evidence Base documents
- 5. Update on Draft Plan document
- 6. Funding
- 7. Next step – SEA/HRA Screening submission
- 8. Any other business
- 9. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- 23 March 2022, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1400
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the meeting of 23 February 2022 - 3. Matters Arising from minutes
- 4. Review work on Evidence Base documents
- 5. Review work on Draft Plan document
- 6. Any other business
- 7. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- 23 February 2022, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1400
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the meeting of 26 Jan 2022 - 3. Matters Arising from minutes
- 4. Evidence Base documents
- 5. Draft St Hilary NDP
- 6. Final version of LLCA
- 7. Any other business
- 8. Date of next Steering Group meeting
- St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
- 26 January 2022, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1400
- Agenda
- 1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the meeting of 13 Oct 2021 - 3. Matters Arising from minutes
- 4. Review the progress of the Working Group on draft Policies
- 5. Next steps – draft plan; evidence base
- 6. Any other business
- 7. Date of next Steering Group meeting
Draft agenda for St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
15 December 2021, POSTPONED New date to be advised
Draft agenda for St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
10 November 2021, POSTPONED New date to be advised
St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
Wednesday 13 October 2021, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary Churchtown 1600
- Welcome and apologies
- Minutes of the meeting of 22nd September 2021
- Matters Arising from minutes
- Review of the draft Vision, Objectives and Policies following the public consultation meeting
- Any other business
- Date of next meeting
St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
22 September 2021, Old Schoolroom, St Hilary @ 1600
- Apologies
- Minutes of the meeting of 15 Sept 2021
- Matters Arising from minutes.
- Settlement boundary issues – St Hilary and Halamanning
- Vision, Objectives and Policies for the Draft Plan
- Format for the Draft Plan
- Sub-groups to resolve any issues arising from 5 and 6
- Agreements for future meetings
- Any other business
- Date of next Steering Group meeting
St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
15 September 2021, Trenalls 1600
- Welcome and apologies
- Minutes of the meeting of 28 July 2021 (draft minutes sent out by Mike)
- Matters Arising from minutes.
- Review of Public Consultation Meeting & Exhibition:
i. What was learned;
ii. Preliminary findings from the feedback forms. - What to put on the website:
i. Results of the Policy Objectives Survey? Draft report attached.
ii. Draft Vision and Policies as presented at the public consultation? - The way forward
- Any other business
- Date of next meeting
St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
04 August 2021, St Hilary Church 1500-1600
- Apologies
- Minutes of the meeting of 28 July 2021 (draft minutes attached)
- Matters Arising from minutes.
- Public Consultation
A) Exhibition:
• Check all the material on boards
• Check that Policies on boards are all now correct (Copy of Policies as printed and put up yesterday is attached)
B) Public Meeting on Saturday 7 August 2021
• Arrangements – where to have attendees and us to sit?
• Arrangements – Short presentation then Q & A?
• Content of the presentation and who does what
• Who will be lead person (everyone can chip in) on answering any specific questions on the individual (24) policies?
C) Anything else to prepare for the meeting - Any other business
- Next Meeting
St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
28 July 2021, Trenalls 1600
- Welcome and apologies
- Minutes of the meeting of 21 July 2021 (draft minutes sent by Mike)
- Matters Arising from minutes.
- Public Consultation Meeting & Exhibition – arrangements for:
i. Display boards and tables – progress, timing
ii. Display material and presentation – progress, timing
iii. Feedback forms – forms, pens, paper, box for forms, etc,
iv. Arrangements for meeting – on the day who does what and when
v. Publicity for meeting – Posters - Draft Policies – discuss and finalise the draft policies to be presented
- Any other business
- Next Meeting
St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
21 July 2021, Trenalls 1600
- Welcome and apologies
- Minutes of the meeting of 14 July 2021 (draft minutes sent out by Mike)
- Matters Arising from minutes.
- Public Consultation Meeting & Exhibition – arrangements for:
i. Display boards
ii. Materials for display and presentation
iii. Publicity for meeting – Leaflet/flyer, website, notice boards, email - Draft Policies – discuss and agree any amendments
- Any other business
- Next Meeting
St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
14 July 2021, Trenalls 1600
- Welcome and apologies
- Minutes of the meeting of 07 July 2021 (draft minutes sent out by Mike)
- Matters Arising from minutes
- Public Consultation Meeting & exhibition – confirm dates & arrangements, etc
- Leaflet/flyer – about the meetings: text, distribution and when to deliver
- Materials for NDP exhibition and consultation – anything to add?
- Draft Policies – discuss and agree any changes
- Any other business
- Next Meeting
St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
07 July 2021, Trenalls 1600
- Welcome and apologies
- Minutes of the meeting of 29 June 2021 (draft minutes sent out by Mike)
- Matters Arising from minutes
- Future Public Consultation Meeting – New date for meeting?
- Preparation of material for Public Consultation Meeting
- Leaflet/flyer – text and distribution ahead the meeting
- Review of draft Policies
- Any other business
- Next Meeting
St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
29 June 2021, Trenalls 1400
- Welcome and apologies
- Minutes of the meeting of 15/06/2021 (draft attached)
- Matters Arising from minutes
- Policy Objectives Survey – up date
- Future Public Consultations Meeting
- Leaflet / flyer – text and distribution
- Any other business
- Next Meeting
St Hilary NDP Steering Group Meeting
15 June 2021, Trenalls 1400
- Minutes of the meeting of 19/05/2021 (draft attached)
- Matters Arising
- Policy Objectives Survey – up date
- Future Public Consultations on Draft Plan – delay due to covid restrictions not being eased
- Any other business
- Next Meeting
St Hilary Neighbourhood Development Plan
Steering Group Meeting
Wednesday 19 May 2021
Proposed Agenda
- Minutes of the meeting of 23/9/2020 (attached)
- Matters Arising
- Objectives and Policy Survey / Questionnaire
- Future Public Consultations on Draft Plan
- Any other business
- Next Meeting