St Hilary Points of Interest

St Hilary Church

With parts of the church dating back to the 13th century, St Hilary Church is well worth a visit for many reasons including the architecture, its history and obviously its religious significance.

Below is a copy of a flyer produced locally to give one a taste of the many interesting facets which the church and area has to offer.

Fro more details either leave a comment on the site or call Jenny Dunstan on 01736 762601 or Lesley Michell on 01736 710229

(For larger image click on picture)

A guided walk in St Hilary Parish by Gordon Floyd

This walk takes you along footpaths through lush farm land and spoil scarred heaps of mine waste that abound in this area. The lanes and paths of this walk are inclined to be muddy so wellington boots are strongly recommended.

The walk starts at St Hilary church. This beautiful church is unusual for Cornwall in that it has a spire. This was once painted white to serve as a landmark for shipping in Mounts Bay. The spire is 13th century, but after a disastrous fire in 1854, the rest of the Church had to be re-built. Some interesting features include 1930s paintings on the chancel seats depicting legends of the Cornish Saints by members of the Newlyn School of Artists. At the eastern end of the south aisle there is an unusual granite carving representing the city of God. In 1927 the Rev Bernard Walke staged a Nativity play here called “Bethlehem” Acted by the villagers it was broadcast on BBC radio from the Church itself. These broadcasts went on for a number of years.

From the Church turn left towards some pretty little cottages. Take the footpath between the cottages named Jasmine and Myrtle, marked by a green footpath sign. Follow the path diagonally across a field and through a gap in the hedge that leads onto a road.Turn right and then turn left down a narrow muddy lane marked by a green footpath sign.

These lanes leads to a farm and then into a field, follow the left hand edge of the field to tarmac road, directly opposite go through a gap in the hedge. Cross this field and come out into a lane, turn left here and cross a stile that is directly opposite an old stone barn. Almost immediately pass over a stile on the right.

After the next field you will come out in a very muddy lane which leads into the
village of Relubbus. The area, being fertile and warm is very important for growing early flowers and vegetables.

Turn left along the main road at Relubbus until you come to the river Hayle. After you cross the river turn left along a road and then follow the pathway that takes you beside the river, the water of the river is crystal clear and if you are lucky you may see a trout darting in and out of the green and red weed.

Keep to the river bank until you come to a road bridge across the river. This is a pleasant place to stop and watch the small waterwheel and weir with ducks and geese swimming and feeding.

Cross the bridge and follow the tarmac lane upwards through the caravan park to the top of the hill. At the top of the hill there is a footpath straight ahead that leads through a small oak wood. At the end of the woods there is a wooden stile. Turn right here and follow the lane past the house on the right. At the gate turn left up a muddy farm track.  At a sharp bend in the lane there is a footpath marked by a green sign on the right.  Keep to the left hand edge of the field and follow the through some mine waste, be careful to avoid the very deep mine shafts.

Cross the main road, from here there are good views. Take the path downhill through some more spoil and shafts. At the bottom of the slope there are some pine woods. Just inside the pine woods there is a clearing, take the path to the right this takes you for a short distance through the woods, many pheasants live here.

The path comes out onto a road; turn right along the road and then left along a footpath. The path passes through large pine trees and comes out into a lane between fields. The path continues through trees and rough land for a while until you come to pine woods with a white gate on the right. Turn left here along a path. This leads through muddy lanes and on to Trevarthian Farm.

This place was important during the middle ages, being the home of the Trevarthian family. One story states that in the latter half of the 14th century John Browderer, the Kings sergeant at arms, and Roger Trewynnarde fell upon a priest called Sir Walter Sancre here, and having bound his arms they then beheaded their unfortunate victim with a sword. They then took the head to London, carrying it publicly on a spear as though it was that of a foul traitor or murderer. Sir Walter was known as a man of good character and for their vile crime both offenders were excommunicated.

Turn right and walk in front of the farmhouse and follow the lane around to the left until it leads to a road. Directly opposite take the field path, this area is known as Tregurtha Downs and to the left is Tregurtha Downs engine house, this area having once abounded in mines. Now however all that remains of this activity are the scarred spoil heaps we have just walked through. Half way along the third field cross a stile on the left and take the field path which leads to a narrow muddy lane that eventually leads to St Hilary Church where we started our walk.

Please follow the country code.

Enjoy the countryside and respect its life and work.
Guard against all risk of fire. Fasten all gates
Keep your dogs under close control
Use gates and stiles to cross fences, hedges & walls.
Keep to public paths, and take your litter home
Leave livestock, crops and machinery alone
Help to keep all water clean
Protect wildlife, plants and trees
Take special care on country roads, make no unnecessary noise

Please be aware of unfenced mine shafts
Beware of adders
Wear suitable clothing & Footwear.

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