Report – Representations received from Residents on the Regulation 14 Consultation on the Pre-Submission Draft of the St Hilary Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan. The report shows for each of the proposed policies whether residents Agreed or Disagreed with the policy in the form of a pie chart and then any comments that residents have provided about the policy. After the comments on the last policy (Policy 8c) there are the comments residents made in the “Any other comments” space on the Feedback Form. In total 80 Feedback Forms were returned – 48 submitted on the Survey Monkey on-line form and 32 on the paper feedback form. One of the forms had no name on it which was a mandatory requirement and could therefore not be processed. _________Click Here to view the Report
St Hilary Parish Pre-Submission Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan is now out for public consultation under Article 14 Regulations. Anyone who is a resident of St Hilary Parish or who has an interest in the parish is strongly encouraged to comment as we need as much evidence as possible that the draft plan reflects local opinion and needs. Residents will have received information and a feedback form through the post but everyone is encouraged to use the on-line Survey Monkey Feedback Form.
A summary of the responses and any resulting modifications to the draft plan will be posted on the parish website after the closing date of 16 July 2023. The draft plan will then be sent to Cornwall Council for a further period of consultation and legal conformity checks before being sent to an independent examiner who may make detailed recommendations to Cornwall Council as to any further changes that are required. Provided any required changes are satisfactorily addressed Cornwall Council will arrange a referendum in the plan area to decide whether to formally adopt the draft plan as “made”. Once a plan is adopted it becomes a material consideration in all planning applications for developments in the parish.
- Here on our website.
- Printed copy of the full draft Plan also made available to view but not borrow in St Hilary Church and the Rosudgeon Sports and Social Club
- “Drop-in Sessions” to be held in the Old School Rooms, St Hilary on Tues 20th June from 1400-1600 and Wed 21st June from 1800-2000 for residents to come along and find out more information and share their views and comments on the draft Plan informally with Steering Group members.
- Printed copies of the full draft Plan can be taken on loan for a few days from the Parish Clerk
- To request a copy please contact Roger Calfe either on 01736 763311 or email
- If you have any questions or want to know more information about the St Hilary NDP please email:
- St Hilary Parish Council invites your comments on the draft plan. To have your say, please submit your comments via one of the methods below by midnight on Sunday 16th July 2023
- While we have only sent one copy of this letter and the feedback form to households, comments are invited from all members of the household. Additional copies of the feedback form can be downloaded and printed from the Response Forms page.
- However, you may find it more convenient to use the on-line SurveyMonkey Feedback Form that is also available on the Responses Form page – Blue Button
- This is the preferred means for feedback as it means your comments will be typed and clear for us to read and we will not have to risk misinterpreting handwritten comments. With the SurveyMonkey Form your data is protected and held securely
- Completed paper feedback forms should be returned by post or by hand to:
- The Parish Clerk, Roger Calfe, Iona, Luke’s Lane, St Hilary, TR20 9DY
Documents available to view or download for the Regulation 14 Consultation:
Information mailed out to households in St Hilary Parish
- Letter to resident households – click here to view
- Leaflet -Summary of Policy Objectives and Policies – click here to view
- Pre-Submission Consultation Feedback Form (paper version) – click here to view