The St Hilary Neighbourhood Development Plan is now made and will be used, as part of the development plan for Cornwall, in development management decisions in the parish of St Hilary, pursuant to section 38A (4) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

76% of resident who voted in the Referendum cast in favour of a “Yes” to the Question ‘Do you want Cornwall Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for St Hilary to help it decide on planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’

Cornwall Council have set the date for the Referendum relating to the adoption of the St Hilary Neighbourhood Development Plan it will be held on Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Cornwall Council have published these two booklets with all the information about the Referendum on the planning application website reference no. PA24/00001/NDP.
Copies are also available here on our Referendum Stage page.
July 2024 Cornwall Council has agreed that the St Hilary Neighbourhood Development Plan can proceed to referendum.
A date for the referendum will be confirmed in due course by Cornwall Council. It is unlikely that the date will be before the end of the school holidays.

May 2024 The Steering Group is working with Cornwall Council to make the modifications recommended and required by the External Examiner for the draft St Hilary Neighbourhood Development Plan to proceed to Referendum.
April 2024 The draft Neighbourhood Development Plan and some Evidence Base documents are being updated with the recently released data from the Census 2021 pertaining to the parish . These are Evidence base on Demographics, 4 Climate Change, 5 Housing, 6 Health, Well-being, Facilities & Services and 8 Economy. The Evidence Base 2 Landscape is also being updated to reflect the change of name of the Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty to Cornwall National Landscape and with the latest versions of the Cornwall Landscape Charter Assessments which include areas of the parish.
January 2024 The Consultation on the submission (Regulation 16) version of the St Hilary Neighbourhood Development Plan will take place from Monday 22 January 2024 – Monday 4 March 2024 midnight. See Cornwall Council Notice of publication below for details.

January 2024 Cornwall Council have completed the legal compliance checks on the Regulation15-Submission Draft St Hilary Neighbourhood Development Plan and will now carry out the next step in the process which will be a further six week public consultation on the submitted draft plan as required under Regulation 16. After this an Independent Examiner will be appointed who will check that the proposed St Hilary Neighbourhood Development Plan conforms to the rules and regulations for an NDP and report their findings to Cornwall Council.
November 2023 Regulation 15 Submission Draft St Hilary Neighbourhood Development Plan submitted to Cornwall Council. The Regulation 15 documents submitted to Cornwall Council can be viewed on the Regulation15-Documents page by clicking here
October 2023 At the meeting on the Friday 6th October 2023 St Hilary Parish Council gave approval for the Regulation 15 Submission Draft St Hilary Neighbourhood Development Plan to be submitted to Cornwall Council
September 2023 Report on the representations received from Residents on the Regulation 14 Consultation on the Pre-Submission Draft of the St Hilary Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan now available to view on the Pre-Submission Consultation page. To view the report go to the Pre-Submission Consultation page by clicking here
July 17th 2023 The Consultation on the Pre-Submission draft of the St Hilary Parish Neighbourhood Plan has now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the Opportunity to Have a Say and give us their views and comments. The NDP Steering Group is now in process of collating the responses.
Regulation 14 Consultation on the draft St Hilary Neighbourhood Plan
The Count Down is on to the deadline of midnight Sunday 16th July 2023 for residents, and consultees and other interested parties, to give us your views and comments on the draft of the St Hilary Neighbourhood Plan before the plan is finalised and submitted to Cornwall Council

On the St Hilary Parish Draft Neighbourhood Plan

Reminder letters being folded and stuffed into the labelled and stamped envelopes ready for posting out to residents.
Reminder letter being sent out to all households in St Hilary Parish asking residents to take the opportunity of the remaining two weeks of the consultation to have their say on the Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Draft Plan before the deadline of Sunday 16th July

Tuesday 23rd May 2023 Green Light for GO on the Regulation 14 Consultation on the Pre-Submission draft of the St Hilary Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan. The Pre-Submission Draft Plan uploaded to the website, printed copies made available in St Hilary Church and Rosudgeon Sport and Social Clubhouse and loan copies available to borrow for a short time from the Parish Clerk. Letters with information about the consultation, a leaflet with a summary of the policy objectives and policies and a feedback form posted to all the resident households in the parish. To view the plan visit the Pre-Submission Consultation page by clicking here
Wednesday 17th May 2023 Members of the Steering Group preparing to stuff the envelopes to be posted out next week to every resident household in St Hilary Parish with the information about the Regulation 14 Consultation on the Pre-Submission draft of the St Hilary Neighbourhood Plan

May 2023 Steering Group is in the process of finalising the preparations for the Pre-Submission Consultation under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 on the St Hilary Neighbourhood Development Plan proposed draft. It is expected that information about the Consultation – details of the proposal for a neighbourhood hood development plan, where the plan can be inspected, how to make representations and closing date for the receipt of representations – will be publicised shortly with letters and information posted out to all households in St Hilary Parish and Notification letters sent out to Statutory Consultees, businesses and other organisations by the end of May.
- April 2023
- St Hilary Parish Council approved the draft Neighbourhood Plan at its meeting on the 31st March. The NDP Steering Group is now preparing the material and arrangements required for the Public Consultation on the Pre-Submission St Hilary Neighbourhood Development Plan.
March 2023 The pre-submission version of the draft St Hilary NDP prepared by the Steering Group is on the Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Friday 31st March 2023. As the Parish Council is the Qualifying Body they need to formally approve the draft Neighbourhood Plan for the Regulation 14 Public Consultation
February 2023 Steering Group is in process of amending the draft version of the plan following the feedback received from Cornwall Council to produce the Pre-Submission version of the St Hilary NDP required for the next step in the process which is the Regulation 14 Public Consultation. The Regulation 14 Public Consultation is a very important stage which gives residents, businesses in the parish, and their employees and consultee bodies the opportunity to view the Pre-Submission plan and make comments which the Steering Group will consider and where appropiate make any necessary amendments to the plan. This is a formal consultation that will last for a minimum of six weeks, so there will be plenty of time and opportunity for you to have your say. We expect this consultation to take place in late spring/early summer so keep checking this website for news and your letter boxes for further information.
November 2022 Results of the screening Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessments (SEA/HRA) received from Cornwall Council. The screening of the draft plan indicated that SEA and HRA would not be required (see Decision Letter alongside).
Link to view the Full Screening Report.

September 2022 The Steering Group submitted the draft NDP to Cornwall Council for purpose of screening for any need for a Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessments (SEA/HRA) and informal review of the draft policies.
August 2022 Steering Group finalised the draft plan and evidence base documentation for submission of the draft plan to Cornwall Council for SEA/HRA screening and informal review.
March – July 2022 Steering Group checking, proof reading and finalising the draft plan and all evidence base documents.
February 2022 Final version of Local Landscape Charater Asssessment (LLCA) from Landscape Architect Kath Statham and uploaded this to the Evidence Base. Steering Group continued working on draft plan, evidence base documents and proofreading the draft plan and documents

January 2022 Steering Group working on incorporating policies into a draft plan and putting all the accumulated evidence into digital format for uploading to an Evidence Base in the NDP section of the Parish Council website.
October-December 2021 Steering Group members holding working group meetings looking at and drafting the Polices for the plan.
September 2021 Steering Group reviewing, analysing and considering the comments and issues raised at the public consultation.
August 2021 Exhibition and Public Consultation Meeting on NDP Draft Vision, Objectives and Policies held in St Hilary Parish Church. Analysis of the feedback received at the meeting and during the exhibition can be viewed on the NDP Public Consultations page.

Policy Objectives Survey and Questionnaire sent out to all resident household at end of May 2021 and completed and returned in June and July released as part of the Public Consultation exhibition and presented at the meeting on 7th August 2021. The report on the results is available to view on the NDP Public Consultations page.

Public Consultation Meeting
Draft Vision, Objectives and Policies
St Hilary Parish Church
Saturday 7th August 2021 2pm
Short presentation followed by opportunity for residents to ask questions and have their say.
An exhibition of the material and information on the draft policies proposed for the NDP and the results of the Policy Objectives Survey will be on display in the St Hilary Church
From Wednesday 4th August to Wednesday 11th August 2021
The exhibition will be open weekdays and Saturday between 10am and 6pm for residents to drop-in, browse the exhibits and provide their comments and feedback

Owing to the current covid guidance for gatherings, the public consultation meeting we were hoping to hold on Saturday 10th July 2021 in St Hilary Church will regretably have to be postponed until a later date – after the 19th July at least.
Please keeping checking this page for news of the new date for the meeting.
Due to the postponement of the public meeting there is now more time available for you to return the Policy Objectives Survey.
Please send in any completed Policy Objectives Surveys in the Freepost envelope if you have not already done so – your views are important.
As part of our ongoing Neighbourhood Plan process we need more of your feedback.
A survey and questionnaire (link to view it) together with a covering letter (link to letter) was sent out to all the resident households in the parish at end of May seeking residents support for the Policy Objectives that with your approval will shape the Neighbourhood Plan and future of your parish. A Freepost enevlope was included to enable completed completed surveys to be easily returned. We hope that residents will have the time to look through the survey and questionnaire and be willing to complete the survey and questionnaire, and return it as soon as you can as we still have time due to the postponement of the public meeting. The results of the survey will then be published on the parish website.
We are also hoping to hold a public consultation meeting on the Neighbourhood Development Plan on Saturday 10th July at 2pm in St Hilary Church. There will be a presentation on where we are in the process of drafting the neighbourhood plan and opportunity for interested residents to ask questions and provide further feedback. It is out intention to have material and information on the NDP available for residents to be able to drop in and view at the Church from the Wednesday 7th July to the following Wednesday the 14th July for anyone who might not be able to attend the meeting on the Saturday. N.B This Public Consultation meeting had to be postponed and re-arranged for a later date due to continuation of Covid restrictions on public gatherings
St Hilary Parish NDP Steering Group – announcement PLEASE SAVE THE DATE to ATTEND a PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETING on the NDP in St Hilary Church at 2pm SATURDAY 10th JULY with exhibition of material and information on the NDP on display in the church from 7-14th July