Our Neighbourhood Plan
After the 2011 Localism Act was passed Town and Parish Councils with the involvement of the community could develop a Neighbourhood Development Plan. Its purpose is to give back greater control over issues that affect our Parish. After consultation with Cornwall Council it was agreed that the Parish boundaries would form our designated area. The next step was to send out a questionnaire to every household in the Parish. The response was very good and all returned questionnaires were sent to be analysed, the results are below :-
CRCC St Hilary Parish – Questionnaire feedback
The steering group was formed from members of the Parish and Councillors to undertake the task of developing the plan, organising public meetings and preparing for the plan to be assessed by an independent examiner ready for a public referendum on making the final plan part of the Local Development Plan.
Chairman of the Steering Groups opening report.
Our steering group from it’s early conception has made significant progress with the St Hilary Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan . We started with our Questionnaire gathering the views and wishes of the local community on how our parish might look in 2030 we received a good response and moved to having the results analysed. We have a diverse team made up of parish councillors and local community members making ten in all. We have also engaged two professional to carry out parts of this mammoth task.
We will be publishing the steering group minutes and other bulletins when they become available. Any members of the community wishing to make comments can do so by either contacting the St Hilary Parish Steering Group on sthilaryndp@gmail.com or to the clerk of St Hilary Parish Council . Roger.calfe@btinternet.com
Public Meetings
Our first public meeting was held on 7th March 2018 at Rosudgeon Social Club, there were presentations by James Hardy (Cornwall Council) on what a Neighbourhood Development Plan was and how it would benefit us and a presentation by Jane Howells on Local Landscape Character Assessment (LLCA) on behalf of Kath Statham (Landscape Architect at Cornwall Council). A LLCA of the parish will be carried out in the near future and will help to shape the final draft before submitting it to independent assessors. The meeting was well attended with a good coverage of representation from the parish.
Members of the public were asked to fill out LLCA Value questionnaires to put forward their views on their Parish also to state what they thought was important places and parts of the parish they would like to preserve.
Our second Public meeting was held at The Old Schoolroom on 24th March 2018 and again was well attended with a good representation from all areas of our parish.
Members of the Steering Group gave a presentation on what stages had been reached in preparing our Neighbourhood Development Plan. A question and answer session followed on settlement areas, conserving the rural aspect of our parish and areas and places of particular interest within our parish.
A Local Landscape Character Assessment was carried out in our Parish by Kath Statham, and a draft copy made available for members of the Parish to look at and make comments.
The draft has been finalised and can be found on the EvidenceBase page or by the Link to St Hilary LLCA.