St Hilary Parish Council
Chairman’s Blog Copy – Sept 12
Despite the worst summer weather for many years it has been a fantastic summer for the country and the parish as we have collectively celebrated not only Her Majesty the Queens 60th anniversary on the throne, but also the Olympics and Paralympics being held in the UK for the first time in decades.
The Queens Jubilee tea party in the church garden was, predictably, washed out and moved to the church and I am delighted to announce was very well attended. There were a number of stalls offering everything from games and books to homemade cakes and a cream tea in the restored school room for all who wanted one. I had the honour of presenting commemorative medals to all the children of the parish and for those attending the parish school, to keep and treasure as something special and unique to St. Hilary. I am indebted to the Parish Clerk Roger Calfe for organising their production and delivery and also to the church for donating the cream tea.
Whilst St Hilary parish cannot claim to have its own Olympian or Paralympian (or if we do they have kept very quiet about it!) we can claim to have local girl bringing home the first British gold medal of the games toCornwall. Helen Glover epitomises the Cornish spirit to triumph in the short time she has taken up her sport and has done so with such humility that she is a credit to herself and an example to us all. Well done!
So as a Council we are looking forward to getting back to the business in hand after the summer recess. We continue to welcome comments, either via the website or in person, from any member of the parish that has a view for us to consider, and would remind everyone that we meet on the first Friday of the month at 7.00pm in the Old School Room.
We look forward to welcoming you there.
Stuart Taylor