
We bring you news, events and information from around our Parish.
Please Contact us if there is anything in the Parish you would like to bring to the attention of the Parish Council.


Referendum on the St Hilary Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan today – Tuesday 3rd September 2024. The pooling station at St Hilary School will be open from 7am until 10pm today.  


CIL Payments

                             NEIGHBOURHOOD PORTION OF C.I.L.

                        ST HILARY PARISH COUNCIL   2020/2021.


Total CIL receipts for 2020/2021                                           £2242.50


Total CIL Expenditure for 2020/2021                                   £2290.00.


Items to which CIL has been applied.


Rosudgeon  Junior cricket                                                      £600.00

Rosudgeon PFA , Play equipment                                           500.00

Repairs to meeting room                                                          190.00

St Hilary Church, grant towards sound system                     500.00

St Hilary Christmas lights                                                           500.00


Total amount paid out                                                            £2290.00


Signed                                               Clerk, St Hilary Parish Council


Please follow the link for the Notice of public rights     Notice of public rights

2023 Accounting


internal audit2023

accounting statement 2023

governance 23

Emergency Plan for St Hilary

Please follow the link below to view information on St Hilary’s Emergency Plan.

Emergency Plan

Financial Report for 2020/21 Certificate of exemption 2021  and statement of accounts ST HILARY PARISH COUNCIL Statement of accounts 2020

Boot Sale

The Car Boot Sale runs every Wednesday from April to October. There is plenty of parking on the fields and people attending are asked not to park in Packet Lane or Prussia Cove Road as this causes problems and obstructions for local farmers and deliveries who constantly use these roads.


The Parish Council have been tasked with the putting together a Neighbourhood Development Plan. This will become part of Cornwall Council’s Planning guideline. The Parish Council has held public meetings and surveys to determine what you, the people of the Parish, want the Parish to look like in 2030. For more information see our Neighbourhood plan page